
Happy 3 months Aric!! | Sara Purdy Photography

April 4, 2014

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Dearest Aric,

In my mind you are 6 months old. You are doing everything so quickly, its hard to remember that you are still so little, and yet. So big.

You are three months old. You giggle and laugh, and your smiles seem to get bigger each day. You are so strong, and already trying to crawl. Yes. You are trying to crawl. Tummy time is no big deal to you anymore. You tuck your little legs up under your belly and scoot yourself backwards. You roll from side to side, not quite rolling all the way over…but, getting there. I can carry you on my hip facing outward and you hold your head up like a pro. You can sit up pretty well when you are propped against something, or in your little bumbo chair. Where is the time going?

Last night, you had your first real fever. I think you are starting to get some teefers.  You drool everywhere, and want to chomp on everything. It broke my heart that you werent feeling well. And even though you just laid all snuggled up in my arms, I wish it wasnt due to a fever. (Yuck.) Thankfully it subsided as quickly as it came on.

You are paying more and more attention to David each day. It wont be before long that you are on the move and wanting to do everything with your brother! He loves you so, so so much. He talks about you to all his friends, and wants nothing but to protect you.

You love to talk and have very intense conversations. You’re so expressive and I have a feeling you will be talking very very soon.

I love you so much my sweet littlest guy. Along with your brother, each of you fills my day with so much joy.

Daddy, Brother & I are so thankful to have you in our life!





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palm coast, florida

